I decided today that I would finally update my blog. It has definitely been a while since my last entry. Mainly because I haven't had the time to sit down in the past few months to write something. So today is the day... here I go...
The month of March: My birthday, I re-climb Valcano Tajulmulco, Peace Corps Celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
My Birthday:

I had an excellent birthday! Val and I partnered up to have a joint party. Val's going away party and my birthday party. Val's friend from the states actually donated a good chunk of money for the party which made it that much more fantastic. We started the day with everyone arriving around midday where we played cornhole (which my sitemates and I constructed from scratch.... mainly Stephen), and darts. Then at around 4 pm we played soccer in our town's synthetic soccer field. After soccer we rented out a comedor for dinner then headed back to my house for the rest of the day's activities. We projected music videos on the wall of my back porch where we had some pretty epic dance parties, a pinata filled with candy from the states, jello shots, jungle juice, beer pong and a full bar - mojitos, bloody marys and all! To this day our party is still talked about :) We also lit off fireworks.... which is something I will not be able to do in the states without getting the cops called. This party definitely was one of the best birthdays I have had.
Volcano Tajumulco:

At the bottom of Tajumulco. You can see the top of the volcano in the distance.

Group photo at the top.

Making out way down the volcano with the awesome view in site.

Me on top of Tajumulco, watching the sun rise.
Climbing Tajumulco again was so much better than the first time I climed it in 2009 in November. It wasn't nearly as cold and I had an awesome sleeping bag that kept me very warm that night. There was also a big group of us that went which made the trip that much more entertaining and fun!
Climbing Tajumulco again was so much better than the first time I climed it in 2009 in November. It wasn't nearly as cold and I had an awesome sleeping bag that kept me very warm that night. There was also a big group of us that went which made the trip that much more entertaining and fun!
50th Anniversary for Peace Corps:

Me with Kate, Ryan and Anne at the 50th.

A view of the tent from the podium.

Photo with the US Ambassador.

Group photo of all the Health Homes volunteers that were present at the 50th.
The 50th was very eventful! All of PC/Guatemala was invited - PC volunteers, staff and host families from training. There were key note speakers that helped to reflect on the past 50 years of Peace Corps. They also swore in the new group of Health Schools and Eco-Tourism groups and acknowledged the group that left at the end of March. It was a great day where all of Peace Corps Guatemala could come together to celebrate the wonderful service and time we all put forth on a daily basis.
Well, it is now May and I have exactly 8 weeks left in my service. I can't believe I am almost done. I still haven't come to grips with that concept. Guatemala has become my home and I know it will be hard for me to leave. The next 8 weeks will be packed with goodbye parties, meetings, and paperwork.... it will go by quickly. Before I know it, I will be back in the States.... and my mind will still be in Guatemala. As I reflect on the past 2 years I am very proud of the work I have accomplished, the friendships I have made and how much I have learned about myself. I will always be forever thankful for this experience and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.
To be continued....