Sunday, July 19, 2009

Peace Corps Guatemala Volunteer!!

This past Friday, July 17, 2009, I was officially sworn into the Peace Corps! Very exciting! We had our swearing in at the US ambassador's house and the ambassador swore us in. My host parent's were there to whitness along with all 28 other volunteers in my training class, their host families and various PC staff. My host dad made the suit I am wearing as a gift! It is pretty awsome.

The night before my host family had a little going away dinner of pop and Dominos :) They went around the table and each one said a goodbye to me and as a gift they bought me a purse, it was so inredibly nice, what a great family. This past weekend my training and I celebrated our newly found freedom in Antigua, which is where I am right now. Later this morning my friend Anna and I are headed back to our host towns to pack up the rest of our stuff and then we are going to head to our towns. I'm a little nervous... I'm on my own! I'm a big kid now!

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