Sunday, December 6, 2009

Xela Ugly X-mas Sweater Party!

My sitemates and I. Steven and Val (minus Zane)

Everyone anxiously awaiting for their gifts.

The whole group with our beautifully tacky sweaters.

You can't have Christmas without having an ugly sweater Christmas party! As part of welcoming the new volunteers, my department, Totonicapan, along with Solola, threw together a Christmas party in honor of Steven, the only new volunteer in Toto. Ironically enough, Steven's site is Santa Maria Chiquimula, which leaves 4 PC volunteers in my town! Gotta say, our site it pretty cool :)

We celebrated the party in Xela, the nearest city to Toto. We exchanged x-mas gifts through a "White Elephant" exchange. We weren't allowed to spend more than Q20 which is equivalent to $2.24. The most interesting gifts that night were probably a g-string thong, a hand held mirror with a picture of a chippendale-type half naked man on the back, plastic yellow contruction hat, and a nasty looking fruit cake.

There were baked cookies, egg nogg and pleanty of Guatemala's finest ugly sweaters!

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