Sunday, August 29, 2010

Clean House = Clear Head

So I spent all day today cleaning my house! IT WAS SOO DIRTY. It didn´t look dirty but I had been putting off sweeping and mopping for some time. Mom and Dad you guys are probably not surprised... but my house only looked like maybe there were some heavy winds instead of a huge tornado. After sweeping up dustpans full of dust andTuk´s hair (gross I know) I decided to take on an even bigger challenge- try to clean my patio. So, Tuk is not a typical dog by any means, when I say he´s house broken, it is true, but only partially. He doesn´t do his business in the house, which is good, he just does it on the patio outside of my house. I wish I could be able to train him to hold it and wait to go outside, but with my schedule and being in a site where having dogs as pets is really stange, he just goes out on the patio. Well... we are in raining season. So for the past 4 months or so my patio has been flooding and along with all the water went all of Tuk´s waste. So there has been a Tuk-feces swamp festering on my patio. Well today I thought I would try to do something about it. Well who knew there is a drain on the patio... duh! So I was finally able to clean the patio, ugh. I also gave Tuk a bath - his least favorite thing I make him do. Now he smells less like wet dog and more like passion fruit.

I went out into the market today to buy a bunch of produce for my health talk tomorrow for one of my women´s groups. I took Tuk with me. I have been trying to take him out without putting him on a lease. I´m trying to blend the house dog and street dog together. He has nearly torn my arm off recently because he is getting so big, so we´ll see how this goes. While buying food I could hear people shouting ¨chucho, shht, shht¨ which means ´get out of here you street dog, or I will throw something at you¨so I just pretended he wasn´t mine, haha. Well, that didn´t work because he would come up and lick my hands, and when I would walk away he would always follow... He got so annoying I had to send him home. I think maybe market days are not the way to go in the future, maybe in a less chaotic environment next time.

So overall, I was very productive today. Now I am going to go home, get a nice workout in, maybe watch a movie and call it a night. Maybe next blog entry I will not talk about my dog, haha. Almost 100 days until I am home again...!

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