Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lactancia Materna

My health center had a parade to celebrate the month of breastfeeding. About 300 women from all over Chiquimula came to participate in this parade. It was actually pretty cool. At one point during the presentation part one of the health educators asked all the women to start breastfeeding their babies and then asked me to take pictures.... since I've been here I've probably seen nearly 50% of all the women's boobs here. Boobs are like smiles here, you show them for the whole world to see... at church, on the bus, while talking, walking, eating, holding your other child's hand, maybe have someone else's kid see, maybe even test out.... there are no rules here for boob modesty. So if you really like your boobs and like showing people but can't in the states in public, hop on a plane and we can air those puppies out.

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