Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vamos Xela!!

Experienced my first foreign soccer game, the Xelaju (che-la-who) soccer team of Quetzaltenango! It was pretty awesome. Our seats were kinda crappy but we were in the "cheering section". The game opened up with "Tigo" girls (dressed provocatively, of course) throwing our free prizes, all sorts of fireworks and then tons of chants. Thanks to our NY Times photographer and jounrnalists Kiki and Kati, we were able to score some pictures on the infield.... and became friends with the Western Highlands Tigo representative known formally as Juan Fransico "Pancho" Ramirez, now oficially by popular demand known as Don Juan. The "Don" drove us classy ladies around in his white volvo and for the 20 min. car ride, for a split second, we felt pretty cool. Thanks to Papa Don we will never have to pay for another Xelaju home soccer game and if we play our cards right.... maybe unlimited Tigo minutes.... but I'd settle for t-shirt. Ahh yeah.

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