Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Town Fair

Well for those of you who follow Facebook. I've uploaded pictures from our health center deparment-wide beauty pageant and from the Quetzaltenango soccer game. The health center beauty pageant was pretty nuts. It was basically like Miss America but with live fireworks (in the building) and women that don't smile. My health center came in 3rd. The soccer game was pretty awesome. They are called the Xelaju (Shay-la-who). Over the weekend I'm going to try to upload videos from those 2 events with a better internet connection so you can all see how crazy this stuff can be!

In September my own had one of their 2 town fairs. This one was the smaller of the two. Vendors come all over to sell anything from plastic toys to weird deserts. One of the highlights of the fair was the live music. There is a huge white Catholic church in my town that has a fairly large courtyard. There were 2 stages set up with 2 bands (both playing at the same time, of course). BUT! What threw me off and kinda freaked me out were the people dressed in weird masked-costumes dancing in a roped-off stage in from of each band. People were gathered around all the dancers watching them dance. SO.... my next goal is to be one of those masked dancers for our next town fair. I would be dancing for 5 days, from 8am until 6pm in some freaked-out costume! Then the last day there is this big unvieling! My sitemate, Zane, who works in the town hall said he would ask around... I'll let you guys know :)

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