Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 4th 2010!!

This past month I feel has gone by in a blur!!... A few weeks ago I celebrated the second 4th of July party in Peace Corps Guatemala. As always - it was a lof of fun! Besides the buckets of rain water that came that day - we were able to watch a World Cup game, eat delicious 4th of July BBQ, dance and enjoy the annual talent show where PC volunteers come on stage and show off their skills. There was also the socializing with old and new volunteers as well as welcoming the new group of trainees that will swear in this Friday! That means I have 1 more year left - I can't believe it.
The 4th weekend is also a great way to unwind.... and man did we all need to do that. Being able to wear clothes you wouldn't normally wear in your site, speak English, enjoy a beer without fearing that someone may be watching you... but it also doesn't beat the 4th in the States - friends, family, fireworks - you were all missed very much this 4th of July.
Until July, 4th 2011!!

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