Wednesday, July 14, 2010

HIV/AIDS Workshops: Aldea Chuicaca

Courtneay showing that "shaking hands" will not give you HIV.

Antonio, the health technician of Chuicaca, translating the poster in Ki'che

Condom demonstration.

Condom demonstration.

Making sure everyone can see.

Volunteers were asked to place their picture under "Yes, it gives you HIV" or "NO, it doesn't give you HIV"

Court and I giving a condom demonstration

An activity where participants were used to show how the body is protected by white blood cells and how the body is affected when it contracts HIV. This lady is representing "diarreah" and is trying to break through the body's immune system of white blood cells.

Another oppotunistic infection, this time "the common cold" is trying to break through the wall.

The beautiful people of Chuicaca

Giving an icebreaker to the participants.

This week I have had the opportunity to HIV/AIDS educate one of the towns in my municipality, Santa Maria Chiquimula. The town has roughly 8,000 people and is the farthest town in Santa Maria. By truck, it takes a little over an hour's drive - but through muddy roads and rough terrain.

I was approached a few weeks ago by the community to give a series of HIV/AIDS workshops due to an outbreak of new HIV cases. The mayor, the town representatives, teachers and health workers came together to see what they could do to help combat the fear of this virus. There were many rumos, myths and doubths that needed to be cleared and they asked if I would be able to help. My reply: Of course! That is why I am here! So within a matter of a few weeks I asked my fellow PCVs for their help in tackling the challenge of educating the town on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness.

This Friday is the last day for the workshops - we have already finished 2 out of 3 workshops educating 3 out of the 5 villages that surround this town. Friday will be the last workshop that will cover the the central population of the town as well as 2 more villages. I have asked the help of 7 volunteers to help split the people into 4 groups - so I am crossing my fingers everyone goes well and that many people show up!!

So, I wanted to show you a glimpse of what we have been doing this week and look for a new post with Friday's pictures as well as how many people we were able to go to the workshop!

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