I was able to spend 18 days home this past December and they were wonderful! Oh the pleasures of home - driving, carpeting, using tap water, not having to wear sandals in the shower, not having to walk outside to use the bathroom, having central heating... even tv! I definitely endulged myself in eating everything and whatever was in my face and as a result my plants did not fit towards the end of my trip, haha. I have been back 15 days, although it has felt more like a month, and I miss my family and my friends. I only have 6 months left in my service - which is something I haven't actually grasped juet yet. I feel like I've been playing this tug-of-war of being half-way here in Guatemala and half-way home. So when I actually go home for real, I'm not too sure if I will actually believe that I am staying and not leaving in a week!
While I was home I was able to spend time with some my best friends from high school which was so great. I was also able to make a trip to Annapolis, Maryland to visit Charles. While I was in Annapolis we were able to make a trip to Washington DC which we checked out some museums, and ate at a really great restaurant, Oyamel. If you live or plan on going to DC, definitely make reservations at this restaurant. It is a Spanish tapas restaurant where the food is just sooo good!
Saturday night my parents, Ben and Kristen and I went out to eat at this cute little restaurant in Willoughby- I forget the name - but it had a nice little atmosphere and a live band. Aren't my parents good-looking! :)
Here I am with my brother Ben and my sister-in-law, Kristen who just recently dyed her hair brown! Welcome to our side now ;)
With Leah, my best friend since the 7th grade! How I have missed that girl. I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments! Can't wait to see more of her when I am back!
Here is Brandon, who I haven't seen in almost 2 years showing off the present I brought back for him. The oh-so-ever popular MTV backpack which every Guatemalan owns! This is funny because Brandon actually works for MTV yet no one in Guatemala has ever heard of MTV - well at least where I live.
Charles and I taking a 30 minute road trip to DC!