So this is a little selection of some of the photos I took for my stove project as well as the inaguration. The inaguration was held the 13th of December, right before I went home. It was definitely an adventure to get here and man, was it an adventure! Enjoy!
I had to make sure that all the stoves were either built or in the process of being built, otherwise I told the women I would have to take their materials away and give the stove to another family. This is an example of how some women didn't want to lose their stoves, so they built the stoves in the middle of the corn field because they were planning on eventually building a new room around the stove. I thought this was pretty funny/cool.
This lady lived in one of the poorest homes. I was so thrilled to see her new stove! She built this by herself!
The cutest boy ever!! Little Miguel :)
Here is an example of a lady who hasn't finished her stove yet, but as you can see they are building a new room to serve as their kitchen :) She also had a very poor home. They cooked and slept in the same, small room. So the fact that they are building a new room is so great! She also just had her baby, and I gave her a baby blanket my grandmother sent me for special occasions such a these.
Some of the women insisted on taking photos with me which I thought was so sweet. This lady couldn't thank me enough for her stove. I think she thanked me for a good 20 minutes staight!
This is one of my favorite ladies of all time. She always had the biggest smile on her face when I would come to give health talks or come to visit her home. She was one of those ladies that where her soul was just out for the whole world to see and feel. Sometimes I found myself just gravitating towards her because she just was so incredibly dear, warm and good-hearted. As a "thank-you" for her stove she sent me away with 17 oranges, haha :)
Here I am with the "Big Wigs" of my town - or the Mayor's Coorporation. I'm wearing my town's traje/tradition clothing.
This picture was taken on top of a hill. The little houses on the left are where we had the inaguration. See how everything is just tucked away in the mountain. It is so peaceful here.
Here the Coorporation is sitting at their assigned seats, like the little kings they think are.
This I thought was so pretty. Here the family decorated their stove for the inaguration with branches from different plant light around where they live. On the floor they spread out fresh pine leaves.
Here Don Pedro is beginning the inaguration - Live on the radio! I about died....
Here I am praying with everyone over the whole project. That line of tissue paper serves as a "ribbon" to inagurate the stove project.
Don Miguel cutting the "ribbon"
Everyone checking out my sweet stove! lol
Everyone gathered inside the kitchen to see the decorations and the stove.
The first fire in the stove :)
The women preparing our lunch.
The women making tortillas in an open fire. To the right, there is a little structure that looks like a pyramid. This is where the families bathe. There is no hot water. So they use this structure like a sauna. They heat up water on rocks inside this structure and sweat it out.
The women getting ready to sign a book that documents the events that happened today.
Ana the president, making the first signature.
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