Friday, May 22, 2009

El Mercado

Today’s Spanish class was in Antigua to learn about shopping in the street markets. There is a section for everything, but what I found funny was that there could be 10 stores in one section and they all sell the same thing. There are even sections to buy livestock. The market, or the Mercado, is jammed with people, jammed with stores, and full of bartering and shouting. It is a mad house, especially on Saturdays. We went Saturday but we were there pretty early and some stores were not open yet. We stuck out like a sore thumb. Imagine a 6’4” blonde male, an Asian, a while girl and a Latina girl who dresses funny – all of whom are feet high than everyone else in the market. The only person not looked at funny was our Spanish teacher who is native and about 4’11”.

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