Friday, May 22, 2009

Mother Nature Kicked My Butt

It is the rainy season here. There hasn’t gone a day without there being rain. Some nights it rains so hard if someone were trying to scream for their life I don’t think anyone would hear them. There is a part of my town that is downhill. When it rains too much, from some unknown place in the mountains, there is rush of water that makes its way downstream. Eventually the drainage system (if there even is one) overflows and the water takes to the streets. I came home after a day of Spanish class and saw there was a group of people watching a street up the hill get tossed with water. I didn’t think too much of it until I came back 10 minutes later to cross the street again and it turned into a sewage river. There was no way I could cross without either being completely dirty or getting sucked into the river. Thankfully a bus helped me cross but it was crazy! Later that night the little river was still there, but not at fast. There was no one to help me cross so I had to walk through this stream of “poop”. Prior to my poop crossing I was caught in a torrential downpour and I was soaked through. When I came home my host mother nearly freaked out. I was soaked with water, my pants were rolled up but from my knees down I was covered in mud. I definitely looked like someone kicked my butt; mother nature.

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